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The Business
Of Family

Family businesses are important for fueling the stability and growth of economies (Kraus et al, 2012) worldwide. In the Asian region, the importance of family businesses in Asia Pacific is reflected by its 85% ownership in companies which generates 32% of the total market capitalization and 34% of the total nominal Asian GDP (Source: Family Business Magazine, Ernst & Young Family Business Yearbook 2014).
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Our Vision for
the Business of Family

Our vision is every person knows their collective self and are fulfilling their potential. Our mission is every family and family business has collective advantage as their fundamental building block towards sustainable success.

The Business of Family (TBF)’ co-founders are Dr.Ramesh Ramachandra and Poorani Thanusha. They are two sisters who have been working together since 1997 in the various businesses they started. They have been coaching families and family businesses for over 15 years.


The Business of Family (TBF) co-founders are Dr.Ramesh Ramachandra and Poorani Thanusha.


They have been coaching families and family businesses for over 15 years.

The Beginning

Dr.Ramesh Ramachandra and Poorani Thanusha have been working together since 1997.

What others


Our family has its own mission statement and a set of core values just like our company does. We regularly re-visit these values, discuss them at family meetings, and then refine them. And they have helped keep us close knit and made our working life far more straight forward.

PHUONG UYEN TRANDeputy CEO, THP Group, VIETNAM & Author of Best-Seller, “Competing with Giants”


Our Future

Watch videos of the founder Dr Ramesh Ramachandra share her thoughts and experience with Family Businesses. For more video and articles, visit Dr. Ramesh Ramachandra's LinkedIn.


While Asian economies experience phenomenal growth, the family businesses are being challenged by-
Disruption and transition issues
Disruption and transition issues such as succession to the next generation.
The smooth integration of hired professionals, especially in emerging market.
The modernization of traditional businesses most of which are SMEs.

These transition challenges are shaking the basis for the continued cooperation among family members operating inside family businesses.

We know from family business literature that family members’ reciprocal altruism (demonstrated through their value consensus, cooperation and trust) is often touted as the basis for family businesses’ competitive advantage over non-family corporates. 

At Talent Leadership Crucible, we support the management of these disruptions and transitions to create cohesion and alignment in the family’s vision, business goals and individual needs. Please contact us for a free consultation. 

Some of the work we engage in with family businesses on a customized or open-enrollment format include the below;

How is this unique competitive advantage in your family businesses being eroded by prolonged disruption and ineffective transition?

Profit and Legacy

Building the business for generations to come.

Stronger Together

Creating bonds that leverage family as the core.

NexGen Lab

Engaging in reflecting, reframing and recreating the way forward.

Communication In Family Business

Coaching creates a space to let things go and to move things forward.

Get In Touch

Simply send us an email here.
Email us
info@ talentleadershipcrucible.com

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